4ed is turd, it's over, who wants my books, first reply wins (although I use the term 'win' in it's loosest sense, in the same way that you might be considered to 'win herpes').
Take your pick |
(Apparently that's Gary Gygax's daughter fact fans; didn't use CHA as a dump stat when he rolled her up)
I'm slating a game for the 20th but god knows not that shit, pick one of these (or not):
D&D: You know the Red-Box edition. It's the motherfucking Porsche of D&D editions and will handle 7 of you badasses easily. Both Caves Of Chaos and Quasqeton were D&D by the way, before anyone suggests that D&D is less hardcore than AD&D.
AD&D 1ed: I just have a boner for this at all times.
Hackmaster: Although most of you have the experience to handle 2hp Fighters and 12 WIS Clerics and take your badass skillzor to extreme new levels some of you may still be a bit frightened. But Hack is crunchy, with 4 players it's slow but with 7?
Rolemaster sandbox homebrew: If you want some sandbox then god I'll even prepare for sessions. I'm kinda bored so have the time on my hands. Best magic system and critical damage in any game ever by a million miles.
Middle Earth (Rolemaster rulez): Got a shitload of MiddleEarth adventures if you fancy that. In the book style, not the emo-bullshit movie style. I used to run it so kinda think fondly of it, ah some of these modules... Gates of Mordor lol, I had that one back in the day so the odds are high.
Middle Earth(MERP rulez): Same but with stripped down rules, faster but still brutal.
Spacemaster: Pew-pew lasers.
Pirates!: It's in Rolemaster rules and you're pirates. May get boring after the 100th fucking ship battle. Been on my things-to-do list since 1990. Though it's not 7th Sea which is for pussies, so that's good.
Leave it to GM's whim: You must be fucking insane.
Somebody else runs something: Only vote for this if you're doing the running.
Nothing: Maybe Rifts is teh best thing EVAR I dunno.
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